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Meet DeJuana

My Story

In 2017, I experienced a spiritual awakening after a domestic violence incident that could have taken my life, but changed my life forever. After countless months of crying and feeling completely broken, I was met with the realization that I was given another chance at life. It was at that very moment, I decided that I no longer wanted "what happened to me" to be the narrative of my life.


I asked myself, "How do you really want to live your life?" It led me on a journey of self discovery and relentless pursuit of a life I loved. 


I re-examined my spiritual beliefs, romantic relationships, career and business pursuits, my parenting style, and overall life. 


It was led me to this grand existence and relentless exploration where I embrace my power to self-author my life any time my spirit says I am veering off course from my internal peace and happiness.  


My Vision

The truth is I wanted to be free and I want other moms to be free. Through my own process of healing, I became passionate in my pursuit of freedom both emotionally, mentally, and physically. I also discovered my calling and developed an insatiable need to do something with my knowledge and gifts.

Since then, I have made it my mission to inspire, guide and mentor moms on how to overcome depression, overwhelm, fear, limiting beliefs and rebuild their lives after trauma and adversity, so they can live free, in flow, at peace, and experience authentic joy. I take a holistic freedom and flow approach to life and desire that every mom experience it too.


If you are a mom, my heart is with you...

I am here to helps moms....

  • Expand the faith they have in themselves.

  • Reclaim their self-identity and even discover their formerly hidden divine assignment.

  • Live their most authentic life by stepping into the fullness of who they are. 

  • Embrace their pleasure zones and reach true liberation.

  • Create a life that makes them feel most like themselves and honors their deepest desires.

​I want to be a beacon of light that guides moms from brokenness to wholeness to freedom.

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